NiNi's e-Health Systems
Welcome - to NiNi’s Club, an exclusive haven of knowledge and collaboration! Here, you're the esteemed members of a vibrant and collaborative ecosystem. At NiNi’s Club, I firmly believe in the transformative power of community.

This club is more than just a service provider; it's a dynamic environment where everyone thrives together. NiNi’s Club is where members witness the true power of crowd sourcing and crowd funding. Together, we harness the collective intelligence and support of our community to achieve shared goals and success.
- General OPD & Emergency Patients.
- Consultant Out Patient Clinics.
- For Clinical / Diagnostic Procedures and Services like EEG, EMG, Echo, X-rays.
- Indoor Admissions / Surgeries.
- SMS and Email Alerts along with remote access.
- Pharmacy + Laboratory.
- Prescription Writing (with auto calculations) with History, Evaluation, Monitoring Sheets.
- Disease specific fully customized Modules along with patient and doctor alert system.
- For Clinical / Diagnostic Procedures like EEG, EMG, Echo, X-rays - customized reporting Modules.
- System auto fetches previous clinical, laboratory and billing record.
- SMS and Email Alerts along with remote access.
- integrated with Hospital Billing System and Laboratory.
- Electronic Health Records (EHR).
- Customized Disease / Department Specific history, evaluation forms with automation.
- Drug Information Database - - Available during Drug Selection.
- Controlled Medication Order Generation - - For Error Free Prescription Writing.
- Decision Support System.
- integrated with Billing and Laboratory. From Admission to Discharge fully computerized.
- Integrated with Patient Electronic Health Records (EHR) and Hospital Billing System.
- Unlimited number of Investigations can be added.
- All investigation are fully customizeable.
- Intergerated with SMS and Email Alert System for patients.
- Decision Support for various tests and results (Optional and Customized).
- Can be Installed as standalone system.
- Integrated with Patient Electronic Health Records (EHR) and Hospital Billing System.
- Unlimited number of Products can be added.
- Fully customizeable.
- All products are sold batchwise so that expiry alert system give true warnings.
- Profit calculation is based on per unit sale.
- Can be Installed as standalone system.
- Welcome, Appointment, Follow Up, Confirmation, Billing etc. Announcement alerts for patients.
- Based on On site hardware (No thrird Party APIs Involved).
- Fully customizeable.
- Automated messages for Consultants, Doctors and Other Staff.
- Automated Profit & Loss Reports.
- Full Integration for Patient, Billing, CPOE, Laboratory and Pharmacy Modules.
An Idea About Error Free Prescription. A Step Towards Paper Less System. A Concept Against "Work Hard".
A Project by: